A Stripper's Heart: Welcome: Volume 1 Read online
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Akino pulls his phone out of his pocket and lays down on the sofa. He pulls up WaHoo! and searches for answers for what seems to be a few hours, but nothing really shows up. “This is stupid,” Akino said out loud as he throws his phone to the side. He puts his feet up, crosses them, and tilts his head back; his eyes started to feel heavy.
He smelled a sweet yet musky scent entwining his entire body. What’s this? He asks himself as he feels someone touch his leg. Kai? The touches felt seductive. No, this feels wrong. This can’t be Kai. Akino tries to open his eyes but fails; they feel too heavy. What’s going on? Akino feels someone move their hand to their upper thigh. Stop. Akino thought as he feels his eyes get watery, but no tears dared to escape. He tries shaking his toes, but he unable to feel it. This must be a bad dream. There’s no way around it. Akino breaths heavily, trying to calm down. He squints his eyes and could open them ever so slightly; he then used every ounce of his inner strength and fully opened his eyes. He notices no one else is there; Akino sighed in relief. The thought of what happened to him a few days ago still feels fresh in his head. One moment someone asked if I can help them find their phone, private called them, and the next moment, I was knocked out, and- Akino stops his thoughts right at its tracks. His shoulders felt heavy, and his heart sank
“Shit,” Akino grunted under his breath as he pinched the bridge of his nose. The more he tries not to think about it, the more vivid it becomes. Akino checked the time on his phone; somehow, he lost 4 hours. Crap, I still need to clean. Akino stuffs his phone in his pocket, jumps off the sofa, and stretches. What should I do first? Mm, I can wash some clothes for the meantime. Akino opens Kai’s bedroom’s door, grabbed the hamper and picked it up, taking it to where the washer is at. He puts it down, open the washer’s door and starts throwing the dark colours in. He sees a sweater Kai usually wears; curious, Akino grabbed it and put it close to his face. Smells like him, Akino thought as he quickly sniffed it. He sniffed it again; his face become hot and his body feels like it’s on fire. “Ah,” Akino snapped out of it and put it in the washer, “What am I doing?” Akino reached into the cabinet, grabbed some detergent, and turns it on; he puts the hamper back in Kai’s room.
Living in the same place with him feels like a blessing and a curse. I mean, I’ve had a crush on him since he basically started working there. I can’t tell if he’s giving me some clues, or he’s just so fucking nice to everyone. Then again… Akino tries to remember every time he sees Kai at work, he never sees him looking at anyone. In fact, I don’t think he’s ever seen him preform. Akino’s heart sank. Maybe I should just give him space and let this crush fade.
Akino spent the rest of the time sweeping, taking trash, and putting clothes away. Akino rubbed the top of his head and notices his bleached blonde hair felt greasy. I should take a shower before Kai gets home… Akino grabbed one of Kai’s shirts and lounge pants and heads to the bathroom. He set the clothes and his phone onto the marble countertop and turns on the shower; his hands trembles as he begins take off his clothes. He pulls the shower curtains open, gets in, and leaves them open; scared that, somehow, someone would be there to do something to him. He knows it sounds silly, but at the moment, it was the only way he can cope. He puts shampoo onto his hair and quickly washed his body. He learns back and rises off the shampoo and opts out of using conditioner.
He turns off the shower, grabs the towel and wrap it around his body. He puts on Kai’s navy blue loose shirt and lounge pants. Akino didn’t use any underwear; his only pair brings back awful memories. Akino grabs his phone and hangs the towel on the rose gold curtain rod to dry, grabs his dirty clothes, and puts them in Kai’s hamper. Akino looks at his phone- 3:27 AM. Even with the double shift, he should be home by now. Is he okay? Akino goes through his phone's contacts and sees Kai's name; his finger hovers over the "Send Message." Akino looks at the top right of his phone and realizes it’s at 7%. He takes a deep breath and messages him:
Akino: "How's work?"
Akino walks towards the bed, sits down on the edge and grabs the charger. Ding! Akino looks at his phone.
Kai: "Was able to do what you asked. Work's done. Going to go grab a few drinks with coworkers. Want to go?"
Akino smiles. He sounds like he’s awful in texting. Akino connects his phone to the charger and messages back.
Akino: “Nah, it’s okay. Go have some fun.♥ I might go to sleep soon.”
Akino somewhat regrets putting in the little heart. Fuck it. Akino twists the cord around this phone until it shows it’s charging and carefully lays it down on the cabinet; he undoes the quilt and lays on his side of the bed. I’m glad he’s out having fun. He looked way too stressed lately. Akino yawns and tilts his head to the side.
Akino’s eyes shot wide open. What was that?
Akino quietly got out of the bed and tipped-toes out of the room; he sees a black figure by the kitchen.
Akino notices the person has their hand up in the air. What is he doing!?
Akino hastily walked towards the figure, grab him by his shoulder, turns him around, and pins him to the wall.
“Aki…?” They asked. Akino looked closer at the dark figure and realized it was Kai. “At least buy me dinner first,” Kai coyly smiles and looks away, blushing. Kai looks hot. Wait. Too hot. Akino moved his head closer to Kai and sniffed the air. He smells like beer. “How much did you drink?” Akino wrinkled his nose. “Mm,” Kai groaned, Akino felt Kai’s hot breath against his skin, “Not much.” Kai wrapped his hands around Akino’s waist.
“What are you…”
“I’m hungry,” Kai answered, resting his head on Akino’s shoulder.
“Want me to make you something to eat?” Akino laughed.
“Can’t I just devour you?” Kai whispered as he kissed Akino’s shoulder blade, Akino’s heart began to race.
“You heard me,” Kai whispered into Akino’s ear and softly bites his earlobe.
“Ah,” Akino moans, tilting his head to the other side. Is this a dream? Akino thought to himself. “Kai,” Akino whispered, not really trusting his voice. Kai plants small kisses down Akino’s collarbone; Akino takes one of his hands and grips Kai’s hair and pulls Kai closer to him. “I want you,” Kai lustfully whispered. I need to stop this, he’s drunk. “Wait,” Akino pushes himself away and looks down. “You don’t want to?” Kai replied; Akino bite his own lip. I want it so bad. Akino thought. “I see,” Kai said, looking away. “Night,” Kai whispered as he passed Akino and headed to his room and locked his door. “Kai,” Akino called out and tried opening the door. Nothing. “Kai,” Akino cried out, “Seriously?” I didn’t want to take advantage of you, why are you mad?
Akino sucks his teeth and heads to the restroom; he leaves the door open and opened the cold tap. He took both hands, filled them with water and splashed his face. In the corner of his eye, he saw Kai’s door open and Kai placing something on the floor. “Kai,” Akino called out again; he turns off the water tap and runs to Kai. His face looks red. Akino thought as he saw Kai look at him and quickly closes the door shut. Akino looks down at the floor and notices it was his phone. Is he asking me to leave?
Akino looked at his phone.
Kai: “I’m sorry.”
Is he saying that cause he thought he was forceful, or because he did that to a guy? Akino sighs and rubs the top of his head. Why are you so hard to figure out? Akino crosses his arms with his phone in one hand and looks at Kai’s door. Is this a green light? Akino sighs and goes to the guest room. The walls were a soft beige, and the bed was small with a silver metal frame; different than the rest of the house. The picture of the lady with young Kai pops up in Akino’s head, but quickly dismisses it. He undoes the red quilt, lays down and covers himself again.
His mind is restless. Most likely won’t be able to even sleep.
Chapter 3: Spicy
idiot is ignoring me since that “incident” thing happened. What. 3 or 4 days ago? Maybe not intendedly. He wakes up earlier than I do and cooks breakfast. He even leaves the plate there for me with ceramic wrap to keep it warm. I just noticed that he always looks at me from the corner of his eye. Or, did he always do that and I barely noticed? It always looks like he wants to tell me something, but he just ends up closing his mouth shut and look away. Did I do the right thing? Akino went to the living room and saw Kai laying down asleep. He’s been working double shifts every day. I guess he didn’t make it back to his room. Akino chuckled to himself.
Akino slowly tip-toes in front of the sofa and sits on Kai’s stomach causing Kai to wake up and grunt. “O-oh,” Kai said under his breath. “Oh,” Akino mocked. Both stayed quiet for a few minutes, unsure on what to say. “Can you…” Kai shut his mouth. “He speaks,” Akino mocked him once again, getting up. Kai gets up from the sofa as well. “Aren’t you mad at me?” Kai whispered under his breath; Akino’s lip twitched. Akino tightly holds onto Kai’s hand and guides him back to Kai’s room.
“Sit, please.”
Akino motions Kai to the bed and Kai sits on the edge, Akino follows his lead.
“Why would you think I was mad at you?” Akino fumbled with his fingers.
“Cause. The first thing I told you was that I have respect for you and wouldn’t try to do something but I ended up-”
“But I did want to.”
“You were tipsy. I didn’t want to take advantage of you. It’s not like you were like the guy from work.” Akino fixes his shirt hiding the bruises; Kai sucks his teeth and gets up. “And now you’re upset with me, right?” Akino grabbed Kai’s hand, keeping him from leaving “I’m mad, but not at you,” Kai sighs as he sits back down on the bed, facing Akino, “I’m mad at the fact I didn’t know. I’m mad that I couldn’t do anything. I’m mad that someone dares lay a finger on you. I’m mad-” Akino leaned over, grabs Kai by his shirt and pulls him into a kiss; Kai’s eyes widen. Akino wraps his arms around Kai and sticks his tongue in Kai’s mouth, rubbing his tongue against his.
Akino’s heart began racing. “I’m sorry,” Akino manage to say as he pulled away. Kai cupped Aki’s chin and stared at his eyes. “Aki,” Kai whispered under his breath; his face was turning red. Bloody hell, he looks so cute. Aki thought as he stared into Kai’s dark brown eyes. “I won’t lie; I like you,” Akino admitted as he grabbed the hand Kai had on his face. “Do you like me just cause I’m nice to you? I don’t understand.” Kai pursed his lips and looked away.
“I came off as too strong. This isn’t how I planned to tell you,” Aki gets up from the bed and faces Kai, “Just, everything that has been happening, I felt like I needed to get that off my chest. Goodnight.”
“W-wait.” Kai stutters and softly grabs Aki’s right wrist.
Kai takes his free hand and wraps in around Aki’s waist. He then pulls Aki on top of him on his lap.
“Wait for a minute, okay. I’m not going to push you away. What do you want me to do?”
“Right now?”
“Yeah. At this very moment.” Kai wraps both arms around Aki’s waist and rests his head on Aki’s chest. “Kiss me right here,” Aki points to his cheek; Kai smiled and planted a kiss near his jawline. “Then?” Kai asked. “Here?” Aki replied, closing his eyes shut as he points to his neck; his fingered shivered a bit. Kai softly kisses Aki’s finger. “That’s not what I mean,” Aki giggled. “I know,” Kai coyly smiled as he pulled Aki closer to him. He licks his neck and softly begins sucking on it.
“A-ah,” Aki slightly moaned, causing Kai to slightly jolt up; he then nibbled on his neck and softly pulled on it. “Kai,” Aki moaned a bit louder and rested his hands on Kai’s head, slightly pulling on his hair. Kai ran his kisses lower and began kissing Akino’s collarbone. He pushes his face away and brings both hands to Aki’s shirt. “May I?” Kai said between breaths, asking if he can unbutton Aki’s shirt; Aki nods. Kai’s hand trembled as he tries to unbutton it. “Want me to do it?” Aki asked. “Y-yeah,” Kai stuttered, moving his hands out of the way. Aki laughed a bit and began unbuttoning his shirt.
“Not what you were expecting, huh?” Aki asked as he finished unbuttoning his shirt and throws it on the floor. “You need to eat more,” Kai said as he traced Aki’s ribs, trying to ignore to obvious bruises. “You need to smoke less,” Aki replied, looking at Kai, “I’ve seen you smoke about a pack every night.” “So, you pay attention to me every night?” Kai asked, putting his left hand on Aki’s right shoulder, and his right hand around Aki’s waist. Akino widen his eyes and covered his face with both hands. “You do?” Kai asked, surprised. “I told you, I like you,” Akino admitted once again.
“Look at me,” Kai whispered under his breath. Akino lowered his hands and was suddenly greeted by Kai’s warm lips pressing slightly hard against his; Akino learns forward causing Kai to lay down. Akino tugs Kai’s shirt. “Off,” Akino said between gasps; he grabs the shirt and pulls it up. “Impatient,” Kai teased as he helped Akino. “Woah,” Akino blushed, “I knew you were buff, but,” Akino trails off as he sits on Kai’s lap, causing Kai to flinch, “You can break me.” Akino traces Kai’s six pack while Kai rests his hands on Aki’s thighs, slowly brings both hands up and rests them on his hips.
Is he, Akino thought as he felt something poking him from his ass, is he getting hard? Akino’s heart began racing; he grabbed Kai’s left hand and licked in between his index and middle finger; Kai slightly quivered. “Kai,” Akino whispered as he put Kai’s index finger in his mouth and softly begins sucking on it. “A-ah,” Kai moaned a bit, slightly moving his hips up and down; Akino can feel Kai getting harder. Akino takes Kai’s fingers out of his mouth and bends down a bit. “You’re going to make a mess out of me,” Akino moaned close to Kai’s ear.
“O-oh,” Kai quickly reacts and pushes Akino off a bit. “What is it?” Akino responded, somewhat hurt, “Found out you just can’t do it with me after all?”
“What? That’s not it!”
“Then what is it?”
“I’ve never done it.”
“So? Just cause you’ve never done it with a guy-”
“I’ve never done it, EVER.” Kai looked away, embarrassed.
“What? But that night...” Akino trailed off, blushing.
“I never found myself interested in anyone. Hell, never even paid attention to gender. The only person that I’ve been attracted to,” Kai admits, stroking Akino’s cheek with his right index finger, “Is you.”
Akino pursed his lips and lay down next Kai and laid his head on Kai’s shoulder, unsure what to say.
“If that’s true, then why haven’t you seen me perform?”
“I have.”
“When I’m working in the security room,” Kai admits, making his face flushed.
Ahh, fuck. Akino thought as he rests one of his hands on Kai’s chest and slowly lowers it to his pelvis.
“Aki,” Kai gulped.
“Can I?” Akino whispered lustfully in Kai’s ear; Kai nodded without hesitating.
Akino rolls on top of Kai, his crotch rubbing against Kai’s inner thigh. Akino softly kisses Kai’s lips and moves to his neck, biting it roughly; Kai wince. “I want people to know you’re taken,” Akino managed to say between breaths. Akino scoots himself back a bit and began unzipping Kai’s pants. Akino began rubbing Kai’s cock through his navy boxers, teasing him; Kai closes his eyes shut and tilts his head back. Akino pulls Kai’s boxers down, revealing Kai’s fully erect cock, twitching; Akino eyes widen and he blushed. “Wow,” Akino managed to say; he bends down a bit and grips the shaft; Akino licks the base all the way to the top and sucks on the tip; Kai’s breath became short yet faster.
“Look at me,” Akino begged; Kai opened his eyes and stared intently into Akino’s hazel eyes, sending a chill down Akino’s spine. Akino kept
looking into Kai’s brown eyes as he bobs his head up and down. Akino then Kai puts one of his hands on the back of Akino’s head; Kai began panting; thrusting his hips forward. “Aki, stop. I’m going to come,” Kai moaned, embarrassed. Akino puts both hands on Kai’s hips and pushes himself all the way down, feeling his hot lips touch down to Kai’s base. Akino’s face felt flushed as the warmth shot down his throat.
“Sorry,” Kai said as he covered his mouth.
“For?” Akino lays on Kai’s side.
“For coming so fast,” Kai admitted as he gets up from the bed; he kicks off the pants and boxers, throws them near the hamper, and puts on some fresh ones, “I’ve never had anyone do that. So…” “You don’t have to change clothes, you know,” Akino teased as he stared at Kai’s ass, Kai smirks in response and lays in bed; Akino cuddled next to Kai.
“I’m sorry for ignoring you. I felt ashamed of myself. I didn’t even know how to talk to you after that.”
Akino put his head on Kai’s chest, he can hear his heartbeat. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Ba-dum. Kai tighten his grip around Akino; Akino smiled and kissed Kai on the cheek.
Brrrrrrrrrrt. Brrrrrrrrrrrt. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrt.
Akino looks around for his phone and finds it somehow thrown to the floor; Akino looks at the screen: Unknown Number. Akino looks at Kai, then back at the phone.
“Hello?” Akino answered.
“Akino Weber,” The older man in the other line replied.
“How did you get this number?” Akino somewhat shouted; Kai got up from the bed and walks over to Akino, leaning in, trying to hear.
“If you were just a good boy, we wouldn’t have been in the mess. You’re not going to work. And, I see you haven’t been home either. The light haven’t been on for days. Akino. My beautiful Akino.” The man hanged up.
Akino and Kai looked at each other. They didn’t have to say anything; they knew who it was.
It was the man that assaulted Akino a few days ago.